Why You Need Ballistic Glass in Your Home

Gun violence is on the rise in America, as of September 2023, there have been over 470 mass shootings in America. For the last three years, there have been at least 600 mass shootings yearly. With concerns about safety, many Americans are wondering what they can do to protect themselves and their loved ones. Armitek is here to help add an extra layer of security for homeowners with our bulletproof glass options. We recommend ballistic glass in your home to provide additional protection if there is an attempt to shoot or break-in the windows of your home.

What is Ballistic Glass?

Ballistic glass, also known as bulletproof glass or bullet-resistant glass, is a type of specialized glass designed to withstand various levels of impact, including bullets, projectiles, and forced entry attempts. It is engineered to provide a level of protection against ballistic threats while maintaining transparency and visibility. The key characteristics and features of ballistic glass include:

  • Multiple Layers: Ballistic glass typically consists of multiple layers of glass and plastic interlayers. These layers are laminated together to create a composite material that is much stronger and more resistant to impact than standard glass.
  • Transparency: Despite its enhanced strength, ballistic glass is designed to maintain transparency, allowing people to see through it. This feature is important in applications where visibility is necessary, such as in security checkpoints or armored vehicles.
  • Ballistic Resistance Levels: Ballistic glass comes in various levels of protection, which are typically classified according to specific standards, like UL 752 in the United States. These protection levels range from lower levels, which can resist handguns, to higher levels, which can withstand high-velocity rifle rounds.
  • Thickness Variations: The thickness of ballistic glass can vary based on the desired level of protection. Thicker glass with more layers generally offers greater protection but may reduce visibility slightly.
  • Spall Resistance: Ballistic glass is often designed to minimize the risk of spall (small glass fragments) being released on the opposite side of an impact. This helps protect occupants from potential injuries caused by flying glass shards.
  • Applications: Ballistic glass is commonly used in armored vehicles, bank teller windows, government and military facilities, police stations, jewelry stores, and residential properties where enhanced security is a priority.
  • Cost: Ballistic glass is more expensive than standard glass due to its specialized construction and manufacturing processes. The cost varies depending on the level of protection required.

It’s important to note that while ballistic glass provides a level of protection against ballistic threats, no glass is completely “bulletproof.” Higher protection levels are achieved by using thicker and more resilient materials, but even the most robust ballistic glass has limitations. The choice of ballistic glass should be based on the specific security needs and potential threats faced by a given application. Additionally, the installation of ballistic glass in your home should be carried out by professionals to ensure it meets safety standards and performs as expected.

Why You Need Ballistic Glass in Your Home

While it may not be a necessity for every home, there are several reasons why some individuals or businesses may choose to install ballistic glass in specific areas of their properties:

  1. Security: Ballistic glass enhances security by providing protection against break-ins, vandalism, and forced entry attempts. It acts as a deterrent to potential intruders, making it more difficult for them to gain access to your home.
  2. Protection for High-Value Assets: If you have valuable possessions, artwork, or collectibles in your home, ballistic glass can provide an extra layer of protection. It prevents smash-and-grab burglaries and reduces the risk of theft.
  3. Personal Safety: In areas where the risk of violence or criminal activity is higher, such as certain urban neighborhoods or regions with a history of civil unrest, ballistic glass can help protect occupants from bullets and other projectiles.
  4. Home Defense: For individuals who want to be prepared for worst-case scenarios, ballistic glass can provide a level of protection in case of home invasions or armed attacks. It can give occupants more time to seek shelter or call for help.
  5. Storm Protection: Some types of ballistic glass also offer excellent resistance to extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and tornadoes. This added protection can help safeguard your home and family during natural disasters.
  6. Privacy and Noise Reduction: Ballistic glass often has soundproofing properties, which can help maintain privacy and reduce noise from the outside. This can be particularly beneficial in noisy urban environments or homes near busy streets.
  7. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have ballistic glass in your home can provide peace of mind, especially for those who live in areas with higher crime rates or who have concerns about personal safety.

Ballistic Glass in Your Home

It’s important to note that ballistic glass comes in various levels of protection, rated according to specific standards (e.g., UL 752). The level of protection you need will depend on your specific security concerns and the potential threats you may face. Keep in mind that ballistic glass is typically more expensive than standard glass, so it’s important to carefully assess your needs and budget before deciding to install it in your home.

Additionally, the installation of ballistic glass should be done by professionals to ensure it is properly integrated into your home’s security system and that it meets the required safety standards. Choosing ballistic glass for your home provides not only enhanced security, but also a touch of elegance. With its ability to withstand high impact and resist penetration, ballistic glass ensures that your home remains safe from potential threats such as break-ins or even natural disasters.

How Expensive is Ballistic Glass for Your Home?

Installing ballistic glass in your home can be a worthwhile investment. The cost of this high-security feature varies depending on factors such as size, thickness, and customization options. The price of ballistic glass can range from $100 to $500 per square foot. Larger glass panels tend to be more expensive than smaller ones, as they require more material and labor for installation. The thickness of the glass also affects the cost, with thicker glass being more costly due to the additional layers of protection it provides. Customization options, such as tinting or adding decorative elements, can also increase the price.

How Armitek’s Ballistic Glass is Different

When it comes to ballistic glass, Armitek offers a unique and superior solution that sets them apart from other manufacturers. Our ballistic glass is specially designed to provide maximum protection against threats such as bullets, explosions, and forced entry attempts. Unlike regular glass, Armitek’s ballistic glass is made up of multiple layers of laminated glass and polycarbonate, which are bonded together with a strong interlayer material. This construction ensures exceptional strength and durability, making it highly resistant to impact and penetration.

Armitek’s ballistic glass also undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. With Armitek’s ballistic glass, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is equipped with a premium level of security and protection. Contact our team today to learn more about ballistic glass in your home, and finally have peace of mind knowing that you are safe and protected!

Call 800-910-1035 to speak with an Armitek representative and find the custom safety solutions to meet your needs.